Marti Ross Bjornson
BSJ, Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism
Master of Arts of Liberal Studies, Northwestern University
Career summary:
Reporter/writer/editor/ and freelancer at Pioneer Press weekly publications in Chicago’s western and northern suburbs; director of promotions, WTTW/Channel 11, Chicago; freelance work for diverse media, primarily non-profit institutions and organizations.
As director of alumni communications, Northwestern University, Marti was on the team that transitioned the Alumni News tabloid to the present day Northwestern Magazine. In addition to speech writing and small publication writing and editing, she established the first NU alumni magazine editors’ collaborative, and actively participated in all programming.
Following completion of the MALS degree from the Graduate School, Marti transitioned to the School of Professional Studies (formerly, University College, School of Continuing Studies) as an academic adviser to adult students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees on a part-time basis.
Community/volunteer commitments:
PTA District 65 and District 202, Evanston Public Schools; Evanston Environmental Association; founding member and Board of Directors Emerita American Community Gardening Association; Board of Directors Emerita, Garden Writers of America / Garden Communicators Resource; and editorial consultant (pro bono) for non-profit organizations and institutions devoted to community gardening and development, urban agriculture, community food security, and environment and sustainability.
Living life gently on the earth, promoting community building, and greening; reading; gardening; Yoga; Tai Chi; meditation.